National Wear Red Day

04 February 2011

Chanel Rouge Fatal

I wondered why so many of the sales associates at Macy's were wearing red -- it turns out, as I learned from My Superfluities, today is"National Wear Red Day".  Luckily, I was wearing something red, Chanel's Rouge Fatal.   This is not one of my favorite reds as I find it a little bit too dark on me, but I wanted something red just to celebrate Chinese New Year yesterday as well.  So, to everyone, Happy Chinese New Year and National Wear Red Day! 


  1. Thank you for the shout-out! I love the idea to wear red nails today! Very cool! :)

  2. Oh! A friend was wearing this the other day. It looks like such an evil red. Something that one of those Disney witches would wear. :P I prefer the dragon red.

  3. Actually, I prefer Dragon as well.


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