Happy Birthday, Canada!

01 July 2011

Blair Gable/Reuters

How appropriate that on Canada Day, during their visit to Canada, Kate (Princess Kate?  Duchess of Cambridge?  Catherine?  I never know how to refer to her) is wearing a red fascinator with a maple leaf on it. 

(photo from New York Fries)
One of the things I miss most about living in Canada is the poutine from New York Fries.  No poutine I've tried has ever come close to how delicious this is.  Cheese curds, gravy, and crisp fries -- yum!  As an aside, how weird is it that the company is named New York Fries yet they don't have a single location in the US?   

This video perfectly illustrates my life right now -- a Canadian living in the US.  It was surprisingly difficult to sing along to this video!  I KNOW the lyrics to O, Canada, the Canadian national anthem, but when you try to sing it to the tune of the Star Spangled Banner, your mind just kind of gets confused.

Anyway, this random collection of photos is really just to say Happy 144th birthday, Canada!   


  1. Next time you visit, eat poutine at La Belle Patate. Love it there! More choices too in terms of toppings

  2. But but but...I don't want other toppings! Haha! I think I'm just addicted to NYF gravy.

  3. hahahahahha i dont want toppings either.... but i liked the fries in the other places better! they served poutine at work for canada day

  4. i didnt get.. it was in another building...


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