Melon juice

07 August 2011

I had half a cantaloupe left after making the pops in the previous post, and after seeing this post on Such Fun Things, I knew what I was going to make.  I haven't had these melon coolers probably since I was in grade school in Manila!

I don't know why these photos turned out really orange.  The melon sticks look like carrots!  Anyway, you're supposed to use a melon scraper to scrape out long strings from the cantaloupe, but it looks like you can only buy this scraper in Asia.  I tried improvising by buying this since it looked like it would do the job, but the holes were too small and just mushed up the cantaloupe.  I ended up slicing these strips instead.

photo by garandee
This is what the melon scraper is supposed to look like.  I must remember to get one the next time I go back to Asia!

Basic recipe:

1.  Scrape or slice cantaloupe into strings/strips and put into a pitcher.
2.  Add lots of ice and ice water.
3.  Add brown sugar simple syrup to taste.
4.  Serve in a glass with a teaspoon.
5.  Go sit outside with a magazine and enjoy the rest of your day.


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