Granted Clothing

07 December 2009

I first heard about Granted Clothing on Bliss, and I was immediately hooked! I did some more research and was happily surprised that these are handmade in Vancouver! My old hometown I can't believe I never saw these while I was still there. Most of their items are hand-knit using 100% pure new wool, merino wool, and possum -blend wool.

These are the items I'm most craving right now:

granted deer frontgranted deer back

Graphic Deer Head Sweater. I adore the colors and it looks so war and cozy.

possum blend deer love toque

Possum blend - Deer Love Toque. Nice neutral colors, cute deer motif. What's not to love?

leg warmers

Leg Warmers/Boot Covers - Motif Design. These are just too cute. Actually, they may be a bit too cute for me to wear, but they looks so cozy. And since i like wearing skirts even in the winter, these may help to keep my legs warmer.

leg warmers and deer jacket

Here's an image of the graphic deer head sweater with the leg warmers. The more I see the sweater, the more I want it. I wonder if they'll be having a Boxing Day sale and if I can even wait that long.

all photos from the Granted website.


  1. I love the leg warmers!


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