Sheesham birds

13 August 2009

It's funny how I have such a hard time dediding on what furniture to buy for our new house, but it's so easy to buy random accessories that I don't even know where I'm placing, haha. Case in point, this cute sheesham bird from West Elm.

West Elm sheesham birds
photo from West Elm

I love how they're so cute, yet the wood makes them seem not precious cute for the house. Since West Elm had free shipping that day, I quickly placed an order. Unfortunately, the larger bird was and still is out of stock, so i was only able to get the smaller one. It does look a little bit too small to stand alone. It looks better as part of a pair. See it perched on the post of the staircase heading down to the basement.

West Elm Sheesham bird

So what is sheesham wood anyway? I never noticed it before I started shopping for the new place and now I see it in chopping boards, accessories, etc. My trusty friend Google says that "Sheesham (also known as Indian Rosewood) is a fast-growing hardwood, sourced from sustainable, government managed plantations. Being a hard wood, it can be used to make functional furniture that copes with the stresses and strains of everyday use."

How did we ever survive without Google?

Anyway, despite it's small size, the bird is a very solid piece. Look at it in profile! I think I'm going to have to buy the bigger one as well! I'm sure it will fit somewhere. For some strange reason our fireplaces (both of them!) don't have mantels for display.

Sheesham bird


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